What I Have Witnessed in the Freelance Writing Industry
Freelance Writing has been an intriguing means of earning income and motivation for expanding my intellectual capabilities. I appreciate the higher tier area of the industry that continually provokes growth in my linguistic and business skills. I am fortunate to have access to premium clients whose insistence on the utmost level of standards aligns with my desire to maintain those same measures in my work.
I have also been privy to a more exploitative side of freelance writing which I feel should be phased out eventually. I am hoping that as more quality writers take a stand for what is ethical, these types of clients will have less power to engage in what is basically slave labor. I have also witnessed these sort of businesses in other fields in which I have done freelance work, such as the technology industry. It is unfortunate that a brainwashing occurs, leaving many freelancers believing they need to accept this substandard treatment and pay. I hope freelance writers and other types of independent contractors will explore the entirety of a field, rather than accepting that their current experience is how their services will be valued and compensated elsewhere. Once you have seen the full range of possibilities, your outlook and hopefulness are greatly enhanced. The key is to remain persistent and have faith even when you have no tangible results. How My Freelance Writing Journey is Progressing
I have undergone that same shift in my freelance writing career, in regard to having faith. I have seen the success of other writers and I am cognizant of how much money can be made writing. I am aware of both the lowest and highest freelance writing rates being offered currently per word and for various content formats. I also have a realistic perspective and take into consideration, a writer’s experience, educational level, and other pertinent criteria. However, I also know my worth and will not be convinced I need to work in servitude. Especially considering I live in the United States and must accommodate a high cost of living.
There are plenty of practices that take place in other arenas besides freelance writing that are immoral. Whether you accept them by convincing yourself they are not occurring is your choice. I feel it is best to face the harsh realities sooner than later and begin making provisions for alternative client dealings. Less time is wasted functioning in this manner and you will be closer to attaining your ultimate freelance writing career. Expressing Yourself in Your Freelance WritingAs freelance writers, particularly as ghostwriters, we are required to follow certain style guides and create content according to the stipulations of the client. I have no problem with that, considering I am being paid for work. The money is certainly appreciated. However, the issues transpire when new clients ask for writing samples and you are unable to reveal the pieces you have written for other companies due to non-disclosure agreements. It is ironic that so many buyers are stringent about reviewing writing samples before paying for writing services but they are reluctant to provide credit in the form of a byline. I find it important to work on your own projects simultaneously so you can recall the freedom associated with the creative expression inherent in writing. It is also encouraging to have your name associated with the content you have written and the ability to use these works as samples. Setting up your own site or acquiring a freelance writing portfolio hosted elsewhere to display these is advisable. I am looking forward to more opportunities to express my thoughts and add creative input. I am optimistic increasing respect will be shown for freelance writers and the revenue we generate for businesses. Hopefully, there will be a substantial merge in recognition for the contribution of writers via bylines and payment to develop sales maximizing material. Nonetheless, I value the clients who have treated me fairly, provided reasonable compensation, and conducted themselves professionally. I will continue to welcome this caliber of writing assignments. If you are also interested in obtaining my freelance writing services, please visit My Services (Contact) page.
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